Mission + Name
Mari is an online gallery dedicated to women artists working on paper, inclusive of all those that live and identify as women.
Mari is focused on helping women artists show their work and expand their careers with paper as their primary medium.
Mari also collects and exhibits vintage works by women artists and exhibition posters advertising women’s work.
Mari [pronounced m AA - ree] is a woman’s name in Japanese, Norwegian, Swedish, Hungarian, Estonian, and Armenia. The name is selected for the artist-founder’s interest in the visual culture of Japan and Sweden, as well as the relation of the name to Mary in English, which is her mother’s name.
Medium: Paper
Works on paper are defined in the traditional sense of printmaking, painting, drawing, photography, and collage, as well as those that utilize paper as the primary medium in new and unexpected ways.
About the Founder
Lindsey Frances Jones is an artist, illustrator, and printmaker. She founded Mari to celebrate the importance of women artists working with her favorite medium: paper.